Let's just give today a name. POOPY! I didn't work within my healthy boundaries and as a result WHAMMM! I am not a happy camper. I
should have gotten a babysitter, I
should have said 'no' I
should have left on time, I
shouldn't have yelled. (Now my throat hurts) I
should have filled up on gas before I was late, not when the car wouldn't start because I was ACTUALLY out of gas.
Up to speed on the day yet? Welp here's where Heavenly Father went..... Uhhhh Hilaree, It's not that bad.
Hilaree Cries because she didn't make it to class in time all because of a chain reaction at the beginning of the day. ( And who bore the brunt of the chain reaction most of the day?? NOA! ding-ding-ding!!)
Hilaree pulls into Barnes & Nobel. She knows she is on fumes. Literally and emotionally. Sits for a while. Cries, Because she read this from the self help book that she bought. Called,
"Ten Habits of Happy Mothers" By Meg Meeker, M.D.
I know this because in my twenty-five years as a pediatrician, I have gotten a peek from behind your kids' eyes. I can see you as they see you. I have heard the excitement in their voices after you have praised them. I have seen your kids define you as their hero when you are in the other room. I have heard them cry over your hurt, laugh at your jokes, and pull their hair out because of your stubbornness. (Which by the way they appreciate) I have literally read the value that you hold in your kids lives, all over their faces and through their body language. When you walk into a room, your son changes immediately. He relaxes because you are there and life feels safe to him again. If you recently scolded him, he scours your face to see if your still mad, because he needs to know how you feel. YOU MATTER. Your mood changes his world a bit. If you are in a good mood, he can relax and play with his trucks. If you are upset with him, he wants to make up (he may not show it, but he does) because you are the center of his small world. He needs you to like him again. You. No one else. Because once you are happy with him, he can go about his business and life will feel good again. He can focus at school, get his homework done, and pay attention to his basketball game. That is the power that you have and that power comes from the fact that in this child's life-your child's life- who you are matters as much as life it's self. You are loved.
I want you to feel good about who you are as a mother because you should. That's another thing that I have learned about you as I have watched over the years. You need to feel good about the job that you are doing because, if you are like most American moms, you are far too critical of the job you are doing. I know this because I can see that being a great mom matters to you. You want to get it right and asses your performance daily. What you need to know id that you asses your performance far more critically than your kids do- they just want you. Kids don't care if your thin or plump, they don't care if you make brownies from scratch, from a box, or if you buy them. They just want to eat the brownies with you. Feeling good about your value to them is important because the better you feel, the better your relationship with them will be; and the happier both of you will be. Sounds simple, but understanding our value and then feeling good about the mothers that we are ( or maybe even saying it out loud!) is one of the toughest challenges we mothers face.
Here are the words that I so badly needed to hear. Im sobbing at this point, (good thing I was alone) and I feel so humbled. I'm not going to get it perfect every time. It's my seeing me through Noas' eyes that will make the changes. Dare I step back and humbly say, that when I picture me through Gods' eye, with all of his understanding, and unconditional love, that I truly am not a broken mother; but more of a growing mother?
Though I struggle, as it is not that easy to let myself off the hook. I do love the perspective.
As I am chewing on this new hope. I try to start my car, POOF! Will NOT start. Why?? Im out of gas!! Wahoo! I get to walk about a mile to get a gas can and gas. ( in sugar house!)
I start walking, soul still a little tender from crying and the dose of humility, not wanting it to get dark before I get back to my car. I very nice person pulls over to offer me a ride back to my car.
His name is 'Shorty' and he decided to pay it forward. He said that he loved to help, that he always tried to be in a happy mood 24/7 . ( I guess when your truly happy, and not focused on yourself, your a great person for God to choose to be his helping hands. )
In our short ride back to my car, Shorty reminded me that life isn't as hard as we view it. That its a beautiful gift. He helped me fill up my tank. Gave me 'Knuckles' and said, "goodbye." Probably never to be heard from again.
Not only did God remind me that my value as a mother is great, he also reminded me that it is HIS job to take care of the little things. (like finding 'shorty' to give me a ride back home)
I am so grateful to have had this experience today.
All my Love,